Something She’d Say

written by Luka A. Zovko

Lyrics zum Song:

They call me detective, that’s what they call me.

And I know a lot, that’s for sure.

For just a few days I’ve been lonely,

And now she made me insecure.

For I had a plan, it wasn’t real good.

It was made up by some sad voice deep inside me,

Something evil that’s done it’s best.

She’s the only one I got, and all I never got.

For I don’t know what to do,

I wish there was something that she’d say,

So that I know what to do,

Now I wish that I could stay.

Yes, you may call me crazy

And she might do as well.

Well, I guess I am an artist

In a most peculiar way.

They call me detective, that’s what they call me,

And my eyes are open wide.

Still there are some things that surprise me,

And that I cannot explain.

For I don’t know what to do,

I wish there was something that she’d say,

So that I know what to do.

Now I wish that I could stay.

She always used to confuse me,

Now she does even more.

And I know she won’t hear the music, 

For I had a plan and I ain’t got it no more.

And I don’t know what to do,

I wish there was something that she’d say,

So that I know what to do,

Now I wish that I could stay.

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