– geschrieben April 2015 –

– keine zu hohen Erwartungen –

Black Jack’s Smile (Vienna Unplugged Sessions)

(mit Handymikrophonen aufgenommen)

Black Jack’s Smile (Original 2015 Version)

written by Luka A. Zovko

Lyrics zum Song:

They’re sailing north, they’re sailing west,

always on a treasure quest

They’re passing seas and lonely Islands

While looking for silver and gold.

They’re the terror oft he seas,

And fighting every ship they meet.

They’re pirates, they’re sailing the seven seas,

With guns and sabres soaked in blood.

They love their freedom they love the sea breeze,

That is keeping Black Jack smile.

They’re rich, they’re singing and drinking rum,

They’re dancing, laughing, having fun.

They don’t worry about anything, just keep their route,

While watching out for loot.

They’re the terror oft he seas,

And fighting every ship they meet.

They’re pirates, they’re sailing the seven seas,

With guns and sabres soaked in blood.

They love their freedom they love the sea breeze,

That is keeping Black Jack smile.


They’re the terror oft he seas,

And fighting every ship they meet.

They’re pirates, they’re sailing the seven seas,

With guns and sabres soaked in blood.

They love their freedom they love the sea breeze,

That is keeping Black Jack smile.

They’re pirates, they’re sailing the seven seas,

With guns and sabres soaked in blood.

They love their freedom they love the sea breeze,

That is keeping Black Jack smile.

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